Billfolds Initialisation account Statement List Acquisition Her billfold His billfold List of cards List of checks Quick key... List of cards... List of checks... Do you want to use this means of payment's automatic numbering ? No name Credit card Check Direct acquisition... Transactions' list... Unknown If your new account has an initial balance, you may create an initialisation transaction for this account. Do you want to create an initialisation transaction for this account now ? External accounts User's accounts Banks All banks Open criterium : New criterium Name of criterium : Save criterium ? This bank must contain at least an accounts. Do you want to create an account in this bank now ? Your banks and accounts must be registred in your document. Do you want to create a bank now ? General transactions Bill book Card in credit Card in debit Cheque in credit Save this transaction ? (text) Export into file : Total Taxe cre. Taxe deb. credit Debit References Amount Credit acc. Debit acc. Reference Dossier Out Taxe Account Transactions from statement Total of month Balance Date